Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Contest Entry -- Beautiful Earrings!

Here come the entries for our Jewelry Challenge! I will begin listing them as they come in.

EARRING CATAGORY: These are very unique! Sent in from Maureen, she has made some beautiful earrings with our Scroll Filigree Ring (the starring element) and purple (the starring color). She has used Polymer clay, alcohol inks, Swarovski crystals and the Rings to create amazing danglers! Thanks for your entry Maureen.

Jewelry Designing Contest! Don't forget our contest! Closing date is midnight, January 31, 2009. There is a winning spot for each category: Earrings, Bracelets, and Necklaces.

Rules: Create an inspiring piece of jewelry using any shades of purple, along with Brass Bouquet brass findings and components -- using at least one of the new Scrolled Floral Rings. Purple must be pronounce -- you know me, purple is my favorite color -- but burgundy, plum, even deep red can be used. Email your photographs in 500 dpi (jpeg format) to for submission.

All photos will be posted on the blog and available to the public for voting purposes. Each winner will receive a $25.00 shopping spree at the Brass Bouquet, be featured in the Brass Bouquet Blog and a link will be available to their website or sales site. And one of the winning entries will be featured in an upcoming Brass Bouquet advertisement in one of the major national beading magazines.

Submissions are due no later than midnight, by January 31, 2009. Final voting tally will be completed by February 5th. Winners' names will be announced on February 6th, here at my blog and in my newsletter.

Enter as many times as you'd like or in each category -- the voting is done by the visitors to my blog. Get those entries in!

Until next time.....Pay it forward. -- Jill

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